Saturday, September 8, 2012

Fall has arrived in the Maclaren Valley

Along with hunting season and the horses!

And Alan now is a Sport Pilot
His pride and joy!
The season is winding down quickly around here.  Hunting season is in full swing, hunters everywhere!  It is great to see so many friends again.  the weather has been a bit on the chilly side, and rainy.  Today it is clearing and looking like a beautiful day!
Wow the summer went fast!  Thank you to our Great Staff for a job well done!
Just a couple of more weeks and the season will wind down and each will go their own way.  But they will always have this experience of working the summer at Maclaren River Lodge! 
This year, we will be closing down the lodge for the "slow" months.
November, December and January.  We will have a caretaker here to cover everything.  Matt is a wonderful and very capable person...after working the summer season is looking forward to some solitude! 
We will still be around...and keeping everyone up to date.
Susie & Alan

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